Bleach London Copper Toner For A Golden Bronze Finish Kit
৳ 1250

  • Copper Toner deposits warm semi-permanent colour into bleached strands to create a soft ginger finish or base for adding fiery Super Cool Colors on top.
  • Ammonia-free Copper Toner works best on medium yellow bleached blonde hair (any type!) It can also create a ginger hue on naturally light blondes.
  • It's great to prep hair for fiery Super Cool Colors like Proper Copper and Tangerine Dream, or as a bronze finish all on its own.
  • The best way to check the color your hair will go is with a strand test.
  • Imported from UK.

What's included:

  • 1x Plastic gloves.
  • 1x Colorant.
  • 1x Developing lotion (7vol/2.1%).
  • 1x Reincarnation Mask.

What you'll need:

  • Toner kit.
  • Eco-conut Bowl and tint brush.
  • Crocodile Clips
  • An old t-shirt or Bleach proof towel


  • 1: SECTION Divide hair into 4 quarters & secure.
  • 2: MIX Mix up the Toner!
  • 3: SLICE & APPLY Take thin slices of hair & paint on the toner.
  • 4: SMOOSH! Coat every strand.
  • 5: DEVELOPMENT TIME Wait 20 mins.